Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break, wooo!

I don't think I'd feel bad for punching a six year-old in the mouth. I mean, I'd feel some remorse fifteen minutes after the incident, but I'm sure whatever she did was deserving of the enamel shattering blow. Were there no law involved, I wouldn't feel a lick of regret. In fact, I might even make a career out of it. And I'll tell you why.

She'll grow more teeth, of course.

And that bit of fiction has nothing to do with the initial reason for this post, which is this: I'm posting the first of the iPhone pictures I took from my Spring Break Vacation Experience. First up is this shot of my Canadian friend and America enthusiast, Riley. He loves pizza, and he loves all parts of the pizza equally (such a non-discriminating fellow would make a fine politician, but his restroom antics might cast a gloomy shadow on that campaign). Speaking of which, I've made a cameo on his fine blog, Christian Homeowner.

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