Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Neon Beige

I started off today with a peaceful drive to Dobbins Peak to stare at rocks, dirt and cacti, which is actually kinda fun. I revel in the idea that what we now consider hobbies and stress-relieving activities, like hiking, camping, etc., were deadly feats of survival for our ancestors. I can spend my day in the sun (thanks, sun screen) on a desert mountain for no apparent reason other than I want to (thanks, bottled water). Hmm. Do you think our ancestors would be proud of us, or just plain pissed?

The third picture is of the elusive Desert Gypsy, who spends its days in caves and abandon dwellings like the one above. Immediately following this photo, she sunk her teeth into my fore-arm and tried to gnaw through it. Luckily I was equipped with bear-mace and escaped with minor flesh wounds. Watch yourselves out there.

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